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Working the Program

It is helpful to attend Al-Anon meetings and soak everything up like a sponge; however, most of us have found that really working the program is the best way to move forward along this path to recovery. The following checklist may aid you in your quest for joy and serenity.

Al-Anon is a “We” program of fellowship and mutual support. None of us has to travel this path alone. Everyone is encouraged to ask questions so we can learn from one another by sharing our experience, strength, and hope. Do not hesitate to reach out for comfort and understanding.

“We cannot choose our external

circumstances, but we can always

choose how we respond to them.”


Spiritual growth brings us our greatest comfort. By learning to trust a Power greater than ourselves, we can surrender the burdens we have been carrying that are not ours to bear. We are not responsible for changing others; we can only change ourselves.