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Hybrid Meetings

When Al-Anon or Alateen members and newcomers gather together in person and virtually to support and share with one another, this is referred to as a hybrid meeting. The in-person component of the Al-Anon Family Group (AFG) is responsible for setting up, maintaining, breaking down, and storing the equipment needed to welcome virtual participants and to support their inclusion in the meeting.

It is essential to the success of a hybrid meeting to ensure that everyone participating virtually can see and hear everyone in the physical space and that everyone in the physical space can see and hear everyone participating virtually.

Service Positions

In addition to a strong WiFi connection and the equipment needed for a successful hybrid meeting, new and/or redefined service positions can be considered to balance meeting participation in both the virtual and physical spaces. These service positions include a Tech Team Lead, Meeting Host, Audio Co-Host, Virtual Co-Host, Hybrid Facilitator, Secretary/Lead/Chairperson, Timer, and Literature Coordinator. 

Knowledge-Based Decision-Making

There is a Knowledge-Based Decision-Making (KBDM) process your group can follow to reach an informed group conscience as to whether this meeting format is right for your AFG, how it can be equipped and managed, and when to launch your hybrid meeting. Suggested KBDM questions to be answered by the group, or by a committee created for this purpose, are as follows:

Hybrid Meeting Research

Three potential plans for hybrid Al-Anon/Alateen meetings have been researched, and details of these plans can be viewed and downloaded or printed by clicking on the button below.