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The KBDM Process

Knowledge-Based Decision-Making (KBDM) is a process that was officially introduced at the Al-Anon Family Groups 2006 World Service Conference as a viable alternative to Robert’s Rules of Order (aka “parliamentary procedure”). There is still a place in our Al-Anon meetings for Robert’s Rules, particularly when a yes-or-no vote can be taken as a formality because the likely outcome is evident based on group discussion. For the discussion itself, however, and any research required to continue that discussion, the KBDM process is much more in keeping with Al-Anon principles.

The KBDM process brings a group of individuals together to address a shared problem or concern and to listen attentively to all sides of the issue before making a decision. As potential solutions evolve throughout a thoughtful and respectful discussion, this open process encourages group members to contribute their ideas, thereby yielding better results. When responsibility for any decision made or action taken is shared in this way, the group as a whole is more likely to support the outcome.

In Al-Anon, KBDM is Knowledge-Based Decision-Making for an informed group conscience. It encompasses:

The "How To" of KBDM

Steps are followed to complete the KBDM process:

KBDM Documentation

Six elements comprise the KBDM Document:

KBDM Questions

There are five recommended KBDM Questions that can be refined as a structure for Al-Anon research and discussion:

Find Its Place In Your Meetings

The KBDM Process is an effective tool for any Al-Anon Family Group, Committee, Thought Force, or Task Force supporting the decisions of GRs, DRs, Area Delegates, or Al-Anon members.