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About District Meetings

The purpose of District meetings is to improve the health of the Al-Anon Family Groups (AFGs) within the District’s boundaries through effective communications, which contributes to the growth of Al-Anon and Alateen as a whole.  

Each AFG in Marin County, California (District 11), elects a Group Representative (GR) to attend the District meeting eleven times each year.  In this and many other ways, the GR serves as a vital link in the chain of communications and service between the AFG and the District, the Area (Northern California), and the World Service Office (WSO).

District meetings are organized and led by the District Representative (DR), who is another important link in the chain of service and communications. In addition to the DR and the GRs, these meetings are attended by District officers (e.g., the Treasurer and the Recording Secretary) and by District coordinators who manage specific areas of activity (e.g., Alateen, budget, events, diversity, literature, outreach, telephone services, and the website). Each of these District-level service positions has an alternate who is preparing to step into the primary position and also attends District meetings.

All Al-Anon members are encouraged to attend District meetings and to volunteer for District-level service positions. This is one more way that we can help one another in Al-Anon.

The District meeting in Marin is held from 7:00pm to 8:30pm on the fourth Tuesday of every month from January through October and on the first Tuesday of December. Please click on the meeting invitation below for details.