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Meetings are an important part of the Al-Anon program.

As the COVID-19 pandemic continues, most of us are still gathering together virtually. A few Al-Anon Family Groups in Marin meet in person while others offer hybrid meetings. In the latter case, some members gather in person and provide the equipment and service to enable others to join them virtually.

— or CLICK on an individual meeting below —

In addition to virtual, hybrid, 

and in-person meetings in

Marin County, California,

you can join Phone Meetings

or permanent Electronic

Meetings around the globe.

Each Al-Anon meeting is unique, with its own flavor and energy. We encourage you to attend as many as you can to find the meetings where you feel most comfortable, and attend those regularly. Talk to members before and after each meeting, and feel free to discuss with each of them any difficulties you are experiencing. Your anonymity is protected at all times.